Επιστημονικά περιοδικά με κριτές

  1. Chazirakis P., Giannis A., Gidarakos E. "Modeling the Life Cycle Inventory of a Centralized Composting Facility in Greece" Applied Sciences, 12(4), 2047, (2022).
  2. Leontari C., Kastanaki E., Moukazis I., Gidarakos E. "Valorisation of soil contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and toxic metals in geopolymer mortar formation" Journal of Environmental Management, 278 (2021).
  3. Alassali A., Calmano W., Gidarakos E., Kuchta K. "The degree and source of plastic recyclates contamination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons" RSC Advances, 10(73) (2020).
  4. Zhu W., Zhang M., Yu G., Petukhov V., Mymrin V., Gidarakos E."Flow Resistance in Dredged Soil under a Vacuum Preloading System with Vertical Drainage Boards" Journal of Coastal Research, 36(2) (2020). 
  5. Gidarakos Ε., Akcil A."WEEE under the prism of urban mining" Waste Management, 102, 950-951 (2020)
  6. Mymrin V., Presotto P.,  Alekseev K., Avanci M. A., Rolim P. H.B., Petukhov V., Taskin A.,  Gidarakos E., Valouma A., Yu G. "Application of hazardous serpentine rocks’ extraction wastes in composites with glass waste and clay-sand mix to produce environmentally clean construction materials" Construction and Building Materials, 234 (2020).
  7. Savvilotidou V., Gidarakos E."Pre-concentration and recovery of silver and indium from crystalline silicon and copper indium selenide photovoltaic panels" Journal of Cleaner Production, 250 (2020)
  8. Kousaiti K., Hahladakis N. J., Savvilotidou V., Pivnenko K., Tyrovola K., Xekoukoulotakis N., Astrup F.T., Gidarakos E. "Assessment of tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBBPA) content in plastic waste recovered from WEEE", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 390 (2020).
  9. Makri C., Hahaladakis N.J., Gidarakos E. "Use and assessment of “e-plastics" as recycled aggregates in cement motars" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 379 (2019).
  10. Zeneli A., Kastanaki E., Simantiraki F., Gidarakos E. "Monitoring the biodegradation of TPH and PAHs in refinery solid waste by biostimulation and bioaugumentation" Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(3) (2019).
  11. SavvilotidouV., KritikakiA., StratakisA., KomnitsasK., Gidarakos E. "Energy efficient production of glass-ceramics using photovoltaic (P/V) glass and lignite fly ash" Waste Management, 90, 46-58 (2019).
  12. SavvilotidouV., KousaitiΑ., ΒatinicΒ.,VaccaricΜ., KastanakiΕ., KaragianniΚ., GidarakosΕ. "Evaluationandcomparison of pre-treatment techniques for recovering indium from  discarded liquid crystal displays" Waste Management, 87, 51-61 (2019).
  13. Moukazis I., Pellera F.-M., Gidarakos E."Slaughterhouse by-products treatment using anaerobic digestion" Waste Μanagement,71, 652-662 (2018).
  14. Pellera F.-M., Gidarakos E. "Chemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic agroindustrial waste for methane production" Waste Management, 71, 689-703 (2018).
  15. Batinic B., Vaccari M., Savvilotidou V., Kousaiti A., Gidarakos E., Marinkovic T., Fiore S.  "Applied WEEE pre-treatment methods: Opportunities to maximizing the recovery of critical metals", Global NEST Journal, 20(4), 706-711. 
  16. Valouma, A., Verganelaki A., Tetoros I., Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki P., GidarakosΕ."Magnesium oxide production from chrysotile asbestos detoxification with oxalic acid treatment" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 336, 93-100 (2017).
  17. Savvilotidou, V.,Antoniou, A.,Gidarakos, E."Toxicity assessment and feasible recycling process for amorphous silicon and CIS waste photovoltaic panels",Waste Management, 59, 394-402 (2017).
  18. Pellera F.-M., Gidarakos, E."Microwave pretreatment of lignocellulosic agroindustrial waste for methane production" Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5(1), 352-365 (2017).
  19. Pellera F.-M., Gidarakos E."Anaerobic digestion of solid agroindustrial waste in semi-continuous mode: Evaluation of mono-digestion and co-digestion systems" Waste Management, 68, 103-119 (2017).
  20. Pellera F.-M., Santori S., Pomi R., Polettini A., Gidarakos E."Effect of alkaline pretreatment on anaerobic digestion of olive mill solid waste"Waste Management, 58, 160-168 (2016).
  21. Hahladakis J.N., Latsos A. Gidarakos E."Performance of electroremediation in real contaminated sediments using a big cell, periodic voltage and innovative surfactants" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 320,376-385 (2016).
  22. Pellera F.-M., Pasparakis E., Gidarakos E."Consecutive anaerobic-aerobic treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and lignocellulosic materials in laboratory-scale landfill-bioreactors", Waste Management, 56, 181-189 (2016).
  23. Pellera F. M., Gidarakos E."Effect of substrate to inoculum ratio and inoculum type on the biochemical methane potential of solid agroindustrial waste" Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 4, 3217-3229(2016).
  24. Hahladakis J.Ν., Vasilaki G., Smaragdaki E., Gidarakos E."Application of ecological risk indicators for the assessment of Greek surficial sediments contaminated by toxic metals" Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 188(5), 271-, (2016).
  25. Valouma A., Verganelaki A., Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki P., Gidarakos E."Chrysotile asbestos detoxification with a combined treatment of oxalic acid and silicates producing amorphous silica and biomaterial" Journal of Hazardous Materials, 305, 164-170 (2016).
  26. Savvilotidou V., Hahladakis J.N., Gidarakos E."Leaching capacity of metals-metalloids and recovery of valuable materials from waste LCDs" Waste Management, 45, 314-324 (2015).
  27. Gidarakos E."War and Environmental Impact" Waste Management, 35, 1-2, (2015).
  28. Pellera F.-M., Gidarakos E. "Effect of dried olive pomace–derived biochar on the mobility of cadmium and nickel in soil"Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3(2), 1163-1176 (2015).
  29. Simantiraki F., Gidarakos E. "Comparative assessment of compost and zeolite utilisation for the simultaneous removal of BTEX, Cd and Zn from the aqueous phase: Batch and continuous flow study" Journal of Environmental Management” 15(159), 218-226 (2015).
  30. Pellera F.M,Gidarakos E. "Effect of dried olive pomace–derived biochar on the mobility of cadmium and nickel in soil" Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3(2), 1163-1176 (2015).
  31. Gatsios E., Hahladakis J., Gidarakos E. "Optimization of electrocoagulation (EC) process for the purification of a real industrial wastewater from toxic metals" Journal of environmental management, 154, 117-127(2015).
  32. Aivalioti, M., Cossu, R., Gidarakos, E. "New opportunities in industrial waste management", Waste Management, 34, 1737-1738 (2014).
  33. Tzanakos, K., Mimilidou, A., Anastasiadou, K., Stratakis, A., Gidarakos, E."Solidification/stabilization of ash from medical waste incineration into geopolymers" Waste Management, 34, 1823-1828 (2014).
  34. Savvilotidou V, Hahladakis J., Gidarakos E. “Determination of toxic metals in discarded liquid crystal displays (LCDs)”, Resour Conserv Recy 92(C) 108-115 (2014).
  35. Dimitrakakis E., Hahladakis J., Gidarakos E. «The "Sea Diamond" shipwreck.  Environmental impact assessment in the water column and sediments of the wreck area», Inter J Environ Sci Technol 11 (5) 1421-1432 (2014).
  36. Kolias K, Hahladakis J., Gidarakos E. “Assessment of toxic metals in waste personal computers”, Waste Manage, 34 (8) 1480-1487 (2014).
  37. Hahladakis J., Smaragdaki E., Vasilaki G., Gidarakos E. “Use of Sediment Quality Guidelines and pollution indicators for the assessment of heavy metal and PAH contamination in Greek surficial sea and lake sediments”, Environ Monit Assess 185, 2843-2853(2013).
  38. Hahladakis J., Michailakis S., Gidarakos E. “Assessment of released heavy metals from electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) existing in shipwrecks through laboratory scale simulation reactor”, Journal of Hazardous Material 250-251, 256-264 (2013).
  39. Simantiraki F., Kollias C.G., Maratos D., Hahladakis J., Gidarakos E., “Qualitative determination and application of sewage sludge and municipal solid waste compost for BTEX removal from groundwater”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Available online 14 March (2013).
  40. Hahladakis J.N., Calmano W., Gidarakos E. “Use and comparison of the non-ionic surfactants Poloxamer 407 and Nonidet P40 with HP-β-CD cyclodextrin, for the enhanced electroremediation of real contaminated sediments from PAHs”, Sep Purif Technol 113, 104-113(2013).
  41. Hahladakis J. N., Dimitrakakis E., Gidarakos E. “The "Sea Diamond" shipwreck. Environmental impact assessment in the water column and sediments of the wreck area”, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, (2013).
  42. Maragkos K., Hahladakis J. N., Gidarakos E. “Qualitative and quantitative determination of heavy metals in waste cellular phones”, Waste management (2013).
  43. Hahladakis J. N., Smponias A., Lekkas N., Gidarakos E. “Sequential application of chelating agents and innovative non-ionic surfactants for the enhanced electroremediation of sediments from heavy metals and PAHs”, (2013).
  44. V.Saltas,F.Vallianatos,E.Gidarakos"Charge transport in diatomaceous earth studied by broadband dielectric spectroscopy", Applied Clay Science, 80-81, 226-235.
  45. Pellera F., Giannis A., Kalderis D., Anastasiadou K., Rainer S., Wang J.-Y., Gidarakos E.: "Adsorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions using biochars prepared from agricultural by-products", Journal of Environmental Management 96, pp. 35-42 (2012).
  46. Gidarakos E., Basu S., Rajeshwari K.V., Dimitrakakis E., Johri R.: “E-Waste recycling environmental contamination: Mandoni India”, Waste and Resource Management, Volume 165 Issue WR1, pp. 45-52 (2012).
  47. Aivalioti M., Pothoulaki D., Papoulias P., Gidarakos E. “Removal of BTEX, MTBE and TAME from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto raw and thermally treated lignite”, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2012).
  48. Aivalioti M., Papoulias P., Kousaiti A., Gidarakos E. “Adsorption of BTEX, MTBE and TAME on natural and modified diatomite”, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2012).
  49. Anastasiadou K., Christopoulos K., Mousios E.., Gidarakos E. "Solidification/ Stabilization of fly and bottom ash from medical waste incineration facility" (2011).
  50. Pellera F., Giannis A., Kalderis D., Anastasiadou K., Stegmann R., Wang J.-Y., Gidarakos E.  "Adsorption of Cu(II) ions from aqueous solutions using biochars prepared from agricultural by-products", Journal of Environmental Management (2011).
  51. Turro E., Giannis A., Cossu R., Gidarakos E., Mantzavinos D., Katsaounis A. “Electrochemical oxidation of stabilized landfill leachate on DSA electrodes”,  Journal of Hazardous Materials, 190(1-3), pp. 460-465 (2011).
  52. Nikolaou A., Giannis A., Gidarakos E. “Evaluation of a sequential aerobic-anaerobic treatment of municipal solid waste in a bioreactor landfill”, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 3(3-4), pp. 336-348(13) (2011).
  53. Giannis A., Pentari D., Gidarakos E. “Application of sequential extraction analysis to electrokinetic remediation of cadmium, nickel and zinc from contaminated soils”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1-3) pp. 547-554 (2010).
  54. Nikolaou A., Giannis A., Gidarakos E. “Comparative studies of aerobic and anaerobic treatment of the MSW organic fraction in landfill bioreactors”, Environmental Technology 2010, 31(12), pp. 1381-9 (2010).
  55. Anastasiadou K., Axiotis D., Gidarakos E. "Hydrothermal conversion of chrysotile asbestos using near supercritical conditions", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179, pp. 926–932 (2010).
  56. Dimitrakakis E., Janz A., Bilitewski B., Gidarakos E. “Determination of heavy metals and halogens in plastics from electric and electronic waste”, Waste Management, 29(10), pp. 2700-2706 (2010).
  57. Giannis A., Pentari D., Wang J.Y., Gidarakos E. “Application of sequential extraction analysis to electrokinetic remediation of cadmium, nickel and zinc from contaminated soils”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1-3), pp. 547-554 (2010).
  58. Kalderis D., Aivalioti M., Gidarakos E. “Options for sustainable sewage sludge management in small wastewater treatment plants on islands: The case of Crete”, Desalination, 260( 1-3), pp. 211-217 (2010).
  59. Gidarakos Ε., Petrantonaki M., Anastasiadou Κ., Schramm K.W: "Characterization and hazard evaluation of bottom ash produced from incinerated hospital waste", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172(2-3), pp. 935–942 (2009).
  60. Koumantakis Ε., Anastasiadou Κ., Kalderis D., Gidarakos Ε.: "Asbestos Pollution in an Inactive Mine: Determination of asbestos fibers in the deposition tailings and water", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167, pp. 1080–1088 (2009).
  61. Simantiraki F., Aivalioti M., Gidarakos E., “Implementation of an image analysis technique to determine LNAPL infiltration and distribution in unsaturated porous media”, Desalination, 248(1-3), pp. 705-715 (2009).      
  62. Giannis A., Nikolaou A., Pentari D., Gidarakos E., “Chelating agent-assisted electrokinetic removal of cadmium, lead and copper from contaminated soils”,  Environmental Pollution, 157(12), pp. 3379-3386 (2009).
  63. Dimitrakakis E., Janz A., Bilitewski B., Gidarakos E., "Small WEEE: Determining recyclables and hazardous substances in plastics", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 161(2-3), pp. 913-919 (2009).
  64. Gidarakos Ε., Anastasiadou Κ., Koumantakis Ε., Stappas Ν.: "Investigative studies for the use of an Inactive Asbestos Mine as a Disposal Site for Asbestos Waste", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 153, pp.955-965 (2008).
  65. Kalderis D., Hawthorne S.B., Clifford A.A., Gidarakos E. “Interaction of soil, water and TNT during degradation of TNT on contaminated soil using subcritical water”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 159(2-3), pp.329-334 (2008).
  66. Aivalioti M., Gidarakos E. «In-well air sparging efficiency in remediating the aquifer of a petroleum refinery site», Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 7(1), pp. 71-82 (2008).
  67. Gidarakos E., Anastasiadou K., Koumantakis E., Stappas N.: "Investigative studies for the Use of an inactive Asbestos Mine as a Disposal Site for Asbestos Waste", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 153, pp. 955-965 (2008).
  68. Giannis A., Gidarakos E., Skouta A. "Transport of cadmium and assessment of phytotoxicity after electrokinetic remediation", Journal of Environmental Management, 86, pp. 535-545 (2008).
  69. Pasadakis N., Gidarakos E., Kanellopoulou G., Spanoudakis N.: "Identifying Sources of Oil Spills in a Refinery by Gas Chromatography and Chemometrics. A case study", Journal of Environics, 9, pp. 33-39 (2008).
  70. Giannis A., Makripodis G., Simantiraki F., Somara M., Gidarakos E.: "Monitoring operational and leachate characteristics of an aerobic simulated landfill bioreactor", Waste Management, 28(8), pp. 1346-1356 (2008).
  71. Kalderis D.,Hawthome S.B, Clifford A.A, Gidarakos E.: "Interaction of soil, water and TNT during degradation of TNT on contaminated soil using subcritical water", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 159, pp. 328-234 (2008).
  72. Aivalioti M., Gidarakos E.: "In-well air sparging efficiency in remediating the aquifer of a petroleum refinery site", Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 7(1), 71-82 (2008).
  73. A. Giannis, E. Gidarakos, A. Skouta: "Transport of cadmium and assessment of phytotoxicity after electrokinetic remediation", Journal of Environmental Management, 86, 535-545 (2008).
  74. N. Pasadakis, E. Gidarakos, G. Kanellopoulou, N. Spanoudakis: "Identifying Sources of Oil Spills in a Refinery by Gas Chromatography and Chemometrics. A case study", Environmental Forensics, 9(1), 33-39 (2008).
  75. A. Giannis, G. Makripodis, F. Simantiraki, M. Somara, E. Gidarakos: "Monitoring operational and leachate characteristics of an aerobic simulated landfill bioreactor", Waste Management 28(8), 1346-1356 (2008).
  76. Gidarakos E., Aivalioti M. "Large Scale and Long-Term Application of Bioslurping: The Case of A Greek Petroleum Refinery Site", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 149(3), 574-581 (2007).
  77. A. Giannis, E. Gidarakos, A. Skouta: "Application of sodium dodecyl sulfate and humic acid as surfactants on electrokinetic remediation of cadmium contaminated soil", Desalination, 21, 249-260 (2007).
  78. M. Tsakona, E. Anagnostopoulou, E. Gidarakos: "Hospital Waste Management and Toxicity Evaluation: A Case Study", Waste Management 27, 912-920 (2007).
  79. K. Anastasiadou, E. Gidarakos: "Toxicity Evaluation for the broad area of the Asbestos Mine of Northern Greece", Journal of Hazardous Materials 139, 9-18 (2007).
  80. E. Gidarakos: "Pollution and Restoration of the Environment", Journal of Hazardous Material 149 (3), 222 (2007).
  81. E. Gidarakos, A. Giannis: "Chelate agents enhanced electrokinetic remediation for removal cadmium and zinc by conditioning catholyte pH", Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 172(1-4), 295-312 (2006).
  82. E. Gidarakos, G. Havas, P. Ntzamilis: "Municipal solid waste composition determination supporting the integrated solid waste management system in the island of Crete", Waste Management, 26, 668-679 (2006).
  83. A. Giannis, E. Gidarakos: "Washing enhanced electrokinetic remediation for removal cadmium from real contaminated soil", Journal of Hazardous Materials, B123, 165 – 175 (2005).
  84. F. Braunisch, V. Friehmelt, E. Gidarakos, W. Schneider: "Verfahren zum Abbau organischer Schadstoffe in Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen", KA ABWASSER ABFALL, 54(4), 415-426 (2005).
  85. F. Braunisch, V. Friehmelt, E. Gidarakos, W. Schneider: "Organische Schadstoffe in kommunalen Kläranlagen", KA ABWASSER ABFALL, 50,(1), 52-60 (2003).
  86. E. Gidarakos, J. Thomas, D. Lambrinoudis: "Bioslurping Treatment for Subsurface Contamination" Petrol. Technol., 6, 43-49 (2001).
  87. E. Gidarakos, J. Thomas, W. Siebenlist: "Rückgewinnung einer aufschwimmenden Kraftstoffphase an einem Raffineriestandort mit dem Biosluping - Verfahren" TERRA TECH-Zeitschrift für Altlasten und Bodenschutz, TERRA TECH 2/2000, 24-29 (2000).
  88. A. Korda, A. Tenente, P. Santas, E. Gidarakos, M. Guillerme, R. Santas: "Biological Remediation of Oil Spills of the Saronikos Gulf, Greece", Crude Oil Bioremediation and Marine Environmental Considerations, 4, 451-456 (1999).
  89. H. Frohlich, E. Gidarakos, I. Schwebe: "Modellhafte In-situ-Sanierung auf dem Gelände del Panzerkaserne Neuruppin mit dem Bioventing-Verfahren" TERRA TECH-Zeitschrift für Altlasten und Bodenschutz, TERRA TECH 1/1997, 37-41 (1997).
  90. E. Gidarakos: "Natural Attenuation: Bodensanierung durch natürliche Abbauvorgänge" TERRA TECH-Zeitschrift für Alt1asten und Bodenschutz, TERRA TECH 3/1997, 20 (1997).
  91. E. Gidarakos, K. Fischer, A. Uhler: "Identification and Sourse Allocation from Petroleum Products" TERRA TECH-Zeitschrift für Altlasten und Bodenschutz, TERRA TECH 6/1997,31-34 (1997).
  92. E. Gidarakos, G. Schaeltebeck: "In situ-Sanierung von Mineralölschäden durch Bioventing, Bioslurping and Air-Sparging" TERRA TECH, Zeitschrift Altlasten und Bodenschutz, TERRA TECH 3/1996, 50-55 (1996).
  93. V. Friehmelt, E. Gidarakos, R.E. Schmitt: "Nuclide Use from Nuclear Waste" Atomwirtschaft/Atomtechnik, 35, 572-576 (1996).
  94. V. Friehmelt, E. Gidarakos: "Elektrocinetic Dewatering of Effluent Sludge as a Continuous Process" MINERAL PROCESSING, 37, 133-139 (1995).
  95. E. Gidarakos, V. Friehmelt, Laser U.: "Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Konditionieurung schwerentwässerbarer Schlämme mittels Elektrokoagulation" Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 67, 11-82 (1995).
  96. R. Santas, A. Korda, A. Tenente, E. Gidarakos, K. Buchholz, P. Santas: "Mesocosm Assays of Oil Spill Bioremediation" Crude Oil Bioremediation and Marine Environmental Considerations, 4, 445-450 (1999).
  97. V. Friehmelt, E. Gidarakos, U. Laser: "Dewatering of Sludges Using Electocinetic Effects" MINERAL PROCESSING, 36, 267-276 (1995).
  98. E. Gidarakos, J.A. Kittel, U. Laser: "Rückgewinnung eines Kraftstoffes bei der Sanierung kontanimierter Böden", ENTSORGUNGSPRAXIS, 45, (40-44) (1995).
  99. E. Gidarakos, A. Köh1ing, R. E. Schmitt: "Entsorgung vor Öl-in-Wasser-Emulsionen durch Elektrokoagulation" - "Separation of Oil-Water Emulsions by Eletrocoagulation". Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik, 61,443-448 (1989).
  100. E. Gidarakos, W. Baukal, RE. Schmitt: "Untersuchungen über Möglichkeiten zur Lösung del Meßaufgaben des PUREX-Verhaltens mit Hilfe neuartiger Instrumentierungen", PtuB-Nuklearer Brennstoffkreislauf, Nuclear Technology, 18, 33.1-33.16, (1987).
  101. E. Gidarakos: "Chemical Separation Method for the Lithium and Tritium Analyis in High-Burnt Boron Carbide", Fresenius J. Analytical Chemistry,  320 (7), 657-669, (1985).
  102. E. Gidarakos: "Tritiumuntersuchungen an einem B4C-Steuerelement", Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik MS 1301, 01-22,(1984).
  103. E. Gidarakos: "Verhalten von Tritium in B4C - Absorbermaterial", Chemie-Ingenieur¬-Technik, 56, 946-958, (1984).